Computer Technology

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Make Your Computer Faster - 3 Things You Can Do Now

Windows Vista needs all the help it can get when it comes to efficiency. And if you're not ready to shell out the bucks for a new computer or major upgrades you're not out of luck. If you're wanting to make your computer faster you can do it quickly and easily.

Let's get to it.

The first culprit when it comes to Windows slowdowns are temporary files that Windows leaves behind as it operates. Along with the temp files, there are tons of files that eat up valuable space and can be eliminated. The problem lies in the fact that files take up space on your hard drive. As more files pile up, and more space is used up, the file system begins to slow. Each and every file has to be indexed and accounted for. Your hard drive has to work overtime, unnecessarily, to accomplish this.

Second item to address are unused programs and programs that load on startup. Removing these will drastically enhance your computers performance and reduce the time it takes to turn on and turn off. There are usually several items, programs and services, that run when Windows starts up, most of which are completely unnecessary. These can be either deleted through the Registry Editor or temporarily disabled using MSConfig. It's better to start with disabling to ensure that there are no unexpected consequences from eliminating them.

Finally, the biggest slowdowns of all come from the Windows Registry becoming bloated and or corrupted. Every time you install a program, entries are made to the Registry. These are supposed to be removed when a program is uninstalled but this is almost always not the case. The more items that pile up in the registry the slower your system will become. There are tons of sites that have registry cleaning tips most of which do a pretty decent job of explaining the registry and how to clean it up without killing your system.

If you are tired of waiting for your computer to catch up with you, instead of the other way around, take a few minutes to check out one of the many free software programs that will make your computer faster.

Technology is just one of my many passions. From computers to gadgets and everything in between, technology is all around us. Learning to use and maintain computers is a lot easier than you might think. Visit my blog and learn more about getting the most from and making your computer faster.

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Saturday, January 17, 2009

What is Computer Hardware?

Computer hardware is the physical components of a computer, whereas the data and computer files are referred to as the computer software. The computer hardware is called this because it is not often or easily changed, unlike the software, which is updated and changed frequently. Home computers usually consists of several hardware components, including the motherboard, which holds the central processing unit, and the RAM. Personal computers also consist of power supply, which holds a transformer, fan and voltage control, as well as video display, computer device controllers, which connect to things such as scanners
Or printers. You’re computer hardware also consists of the CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, floppy and hard disk drives, a sound card and a modem for online dial up connections.

Hardware also consists of several independent pieces, which include the keyboard, the mouse, gaming devices such as joysticks, web cameras, scanners, printers and speakers. These are the parts of the computer hardware that you are probably more familiar with. Computer hardware is designed with performance in mind, but also focuses around weight, appearance, size, reliability and power consumption.

Computer Hardware continues to evolve at an exponential rate. Scientists are constantly trying to improve on various types of computer hardware, in hopes that one-day computer will be small brain implants. If this sounds too far fetched then think again. We already have the ability to control electronics by electronic brain impulses alone. If you think about it, the brain is really just an organic computer. Our memory is like a hard drive and our synapses are like the circuitry of a motherboard. I believe that one-day computers will be living organisms, mini brains in a box with 3d displays and completely controlled by our thoughts. Until then, enjoy the hardware you have!

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